Conferences in Denmark and abroad:
May 2024:
SOSORT Conference
Boston, USA
Poster presentation
August 2023:
NSDS conference
Linköping, Sweden
Oral presentation
April 2023:
SOSORT konference and Spine Week
Melbourne, Australia
Presenting two abstracts in poster presentations
May 2022:
SOSORT konference
San Sebastian, Spain
August 2021:
NSDS Online konference
May 2021:
SOSORT Online konference
March 2021:
Schroth 100 år online konference
August 2019:
NSDS konference
Bergen, Norway
April 2019:
SOSORT konference
San Francisco, USA
April 2018:
SOSORT konference
Dubrovnik, Kroatia
May 2018:
Best Practice Academy – board meeting and advanced academy meeting
Leipzig, Germany
June 2018:
Skoliose symposium
Rikshospitalet Oslo, Norway
June 2016:
Dansk Skolioseforening conference
Vejle, Denmark
Lectures in Denmark and abroad:
June 2022:
Dansk Skoliose Forening årskonference
Odense, Denmark
Invited lecture
April 2022:
Svensk Skoliosförening
Stockholm, Sweden
Invited lecture
October 2021:
Dansk Skoliose Forening Årskonference – ”Træning af skoliose”
Odense, Denmark
September 2020:
Svensk Skoliosförening – ”Conservative Treatment of Scoliosis”
Stockholm, Sweden
June 2018:
Skoliose symposium, foredrag om Gensingen korset og Schroth Best Practice træning
Rikshospitalet Oslo, Norway
October 2017:
ScolioFys – Lecture on Conservative treatment of scoliosis for physiotherapists
Copenhagen, Denmark
September 2017:
Hot Topics in Reumatology – lecture on conservative treatment of scoliosis
Svendborg, Denmark
January 2017:
Praksisdag for praktiserende læger – Lecture on conservative treatment of scoliosis
Copenhagen, Denmark
June 2016:
Dansk Skolioseforening conference lecture on conservative treatment of scoliosis
Vejle, Denmark
If you are interested in participating in a lecture about the treatment of scoliosis as a patient, parent or a professional please contact us by email.